Interface GetAvailabilityRequest

Interface for a Nylas get availability request


  • GetAvailabilityRequest


availabilityRules?: AvailabilityRules

The rules to apply when checking availability.

durationMinutes: number

The total number of minutes the event should last.

endTime: number

Unix timestamp for the end time to check availability for.

intervalMinutes?: number

Nylas checks from the nearest interval of the passed [startTime]. For example, to schedule 30-minute meetings ([durationMinutes]) with 15 minutes between them ([intervalMinutes]). If you have a meeting starting at 9:59, the API returns times starting at 10:00. 10:00-10:30, 10:15-10:45.

participants: AvailabilityParticipant[]

Participant details to check availability for.

roundTo30Minutes?: boolean

When set to true, the availability time slots will start at 30 minutes past or on the hour. For example, a free slot starting at 16:10 is considered available only from 16:30.

startTime: number

Unix timestamp for the start time to check availability for.

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